8-Bit Breadboard Computer
Here we have an 8-bit computer built on breadboards. Closely follows Ben Eater's original design.
Go here to see a collection of programs for the computer.
How it Works
Instruction Set
0000 NOP - No OPeration
0001 LDA - LoaD A register with contents of memory address
0010 ADD - ADD contents of given memory address to A
0011 SUB - SUBtract
0100 STA - STore the value in the A register in a given memory address
0101 LDI - LoaD Immediate
0110 JMP - JuMP
0111 JC - Jump on Carry
1000 JZ - Jump on Zero
1110 OUT - OUTput the value in the A register
1111 HLT - HaLT
Possible other instructions:
DSP - DiSPlay the contents of a given memory address INC - INCrement A by the given 4 bit value (aka Add Immediate) DEC - DECrement A by the given 4 bit value (aka Subtract Immediate) JNC - Jump on Not Carry JNZ - Jump on Not Zero
Control Signals
- HLT - Halts the program
- MI - Memory address register in
- RI - RAM in
- RO - RAM out
- IO - Instruction Regsiter out
- II - Instruction Register in
- AI - A register in
- AO - A register out
- EO - Sum out (ALU out)
- SU - Subtract
- BI - B register in
- OI - Output in
- CE - Counter enable
- J - Jump
- FI - Flags register in